While we have access to well over 10,000 different parts, accessories and apparel items for our customers, we still function as a smaller custom shop in providing our Customers choice products at affordable pricing.

Except for partnering up with the leading distributors (i.e., Drag Specialties and Tucky Rocky as examples), our selection process begins with identifying high quality and proven products that bring the most value to our clients.

After we find those products and suppliers, we do our best to present you the best possible pricing we can. Our goal is to create happy Customers as opposed to "happy stockholders." Customer Satisfaction and the loyalty that comes with that is what keeps us in business.

We are also happy to special order any product that you can't find listed on our site. If you're looking for something specific that you can't find here, send us a message using the Request Form, and we will go to work for you. We can't guarantee that we will be able to get 100% of the requests at discounted pricing, as well as we can't control whether or not someone will sell to us, but we do guarantee that we will try to help you out 100% of the time!

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